Shades of Yellow
White, Cream, Yellow, Honeybacked, Golden, Cinnamon, or even Fox Red are all just verying shades of yellow.
There for, the proper term is Yellow, no matter what shade of yellow, its still a yellow. Which is why all of these shades of yellow are registered as a yellow lab with AKC.
AKC stance in regards to the yellow coloring: "Yellows may range in color from fox-red to light cream, with variations in shading on the ears, back, and underparts of the dog."
As stated above yellow Labradors can have different variations of the yellow coats.
With some yellow labs their shading involves a white hairshaft with a colored tip. Which can vary from barely noticable to just the very tip of the hairshaft having color. This is called the chinchilla factor.
So basically there are various shades and shading in all the different various shades and shading of the yellow labs coat color.
You can find more information about this and much much more about coat colors at Labbies Genetics2